Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Praise Ye The Lord!

It’s a wonderful day to be a child of God. Do you know that God is faithful? In spite of what you have been through in life. Do you understand how much He loves you? Even when you did not love yourself, He still loved you. Do you realize at your lowest points of life, He has always been there for you? After all of your friends and family disappeared, He kept watch over you. When no one could be found, you could always depend on the Lord. When the storms of life were raging, God was your anchor. When the enemy attempted to destroy you, God was your protection. When your marriage, your ministry, your home, your children, or even your job was in jeopardy, God granted an unexplainable peace. He is Faithful and Just. Do you believe it?

Today, I have been commissioned to come and encourage you in the Lord. My friend, what are you facing today? What dilemma do you find yourself involved in? You have tried everything and everyone, and the results have not changed. The people you thought could be called on, failed. Your hiding place was exposed. The thing you hid behind has been taken away. You feel as though your world is crumbling down. Beloved, the Lord desires to free you from the turmoil of this life. When your surroundings seem threatening, and everything is [seemingly] against you … Praise ye the Lord! Stop complaining. Stop griping. Do you not know who your Father is? Your Father responds to praise and worship, not whining and groping. The Bible declares in 1 Chronicles 29:13 - Now therefore, our God, we thank thee, and praise thy glorious name. Exalt the name of Jesus Christ. Let your enemies know who your Father is.

My brother, my sister, put your head up. Walk with upright shoulders. You have no reason to walk with a depressed demeanor. God is on your side. Through every attack of the enemy, Praise ye the Lord! When your finances get low, Praise ye the Lord! When tomorrow seems uncertain, Praise ye the Lord! When your place of employment is hellish, Praise ye the Lord! When your relationship is on the ropes, Praise ye the Lord! When your friends laugh in your face, Praise ye the Lord! Prayer for Today: Father, Today I declare that You are God of all and in all. No matter what my situation looks like, I give You the praise. I know that my current situation is not greater than You. Father, have Your way in my life. In Jesus’ name … Amen!

Scripture Reading for Today: I Thessalonians 5:18

May God Bless you at Your point of need!
Minister Darrick McGhee

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